During holidays, we rarely made it for breakfast every morning, because we'd wake up past 10AM. Even if we set our alarm the night before, and made promises to each other that we'd wake up at 9AM for breakfast, it still rarely happens :P 

But for this trip, we made sure we woke up for breakfast!!! That's because we found another (more awesome) breakfast station. During the second night of our trip, one kind waitress at the coffee house told us about this special second breakfast area =O

It's at the beach restaurant, a further walk from the reception and coffee house area! I love it here! You order your food on a la carte basis (so good, the food's hot!) and you get to enjoy the sea breeze and hear the waves while having breakfast :)

My eggs benedict, waffles with butter, and nasi lemak, a la carte ;)

For dinner, we spent a couple of nights the Perdana Quay. I like this place, because here's a row of Western dining restaurants, all facing the quay. The yacht, night lights and slow music makes the whole mood rather romantic!

We had Spanish tapas and paella dinner one night. The meal came with a some tapas (fried calamari, stewed beef, marinated mushrooms and garlic prawns), seafood paella and chicken liver pate! 

I found my LOVE for chicken liver pate this trip! I had a few more rounds of it after that night.

Dipping home made bread into the chicken liver pate. So good! If you ever dine here, make sure you order the pate.

Just before we finished dinner, I found this white kitty snuggling under my sofa seat! So cute ;)

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