Earlier in December, I kinda figured what I was going to get for my birthday.
My compact camera was getting old (In Boracay, I tried taking a picture of Sue May, but the camera insisted that it focus on the coconut tree behind her -_-), and Bryan kept discussing with me about new cameras. So, it was pretty obvious I was going to get a new compact camera. I just didn't know which one, until a couple of days before my birthday.
Bryan suggested we decide on the camera together. After discussing for weeks, we finally settled on the Lumix LX7 ;) Bought a day before my birthday!

The week lining up to my birthday, we had tonnes of celebratory dinners (for all various reasons including my brother's graduation dinner & my surprise party (organized by my mom!), my nephew's return from Singapore etc) so I was constantly full to the brim every night! I don't even want to eat in the mornings!
So for my birthday, we just thought we'd go somewhere, just the two of us, for a quiet & simple dinner. Bryan made reservations for Nero Teca, but we didn't make it because we ended work later than expected! So, we ended up at a Chinese restaurant nearby :)
And just when I thought my birthday was going to end the way it was, with no surprises whatsoever, Bryan whipped out a folded A4 paper that looked like this.

I said "Oh wow! What is it?" but honestly, I was thinking 'Wah, why is my fiance so cheapo? Don't want to buy me a birthday card, but choose to fold an A4 paper?'
If you're wondering what Mao Mao is, that's what we call each other. Don't laugh! ;)
But of course, when I started realizing what that A4 paper was...

It was a return ticket to Melbourne for the both of us in September 2013!
I absolutely love Melbourne, and although I just visited the place last month, I can't wait to get back there again!
But Melbourne will just be a stop-over. The main trip will be somewhere else, and we're gonna be traveling for almost a month! ;) I'm gonna keep the location hush-hush for now!
THANK YOU SO MUCH Bryan!!!! :D You always surprise me!

And now that the flight tickets are bought, we better start saving for it! :)