If you want to travel to Boracay from Kuala Lumpur, do consider it's traveling time. We took ONE WHOLE DAY to reach Boracay!
4 hours flight to Manila (we left KL at 4AM)
3 hours of waiting
45 mins transit flight to Kalibo
2 hours bus ride (through the mountains!) to jetty
5 mins boat ride to Boracay (reached at 8PM, like finally!)
But once you reach Boracay, you kinda forget about the traveling :) This place is heavenly! Alright, I might be a little biased because I love the beach, but I'll let the pictures convince you :D
We booked ourselves to a wonderful 2-bedroom beach house on Bulabog beach. We ended up not staying in the famous White Beach, because with our budget, we can only live in very old hotel rooms which resembled my previous apartment in Hyderabad, India. -_-
So it was pretty obvious we were going to go with the beach house :P
My travel partners for Boracay - Bryan (can never leave him out, can I? :D), Sue May and Ching!
Sue May & Ching are so cute together, right? One's 5 feet and the other is 6 feet tall :D Not apparent in the pictures above, but you'll see in my next posts haha!
It was a rather relaxing holiday for us. We ate (a lot) and did a couple of beach activities like sunset sailing on a local paraw boat, and cliff diving!!! Will get to that in my next post ;) I reckon beach activities are cheaper here compared to Thailand. The rest went for skim boarding too, but I was too slack to do it (I ended up watching the sunset!)
Other times, we just lounged on bamboo sunbeds next to the beach house, drank lots of San Miguel while snacking on tapas, soaked in the water during sunset and basically, just do nothing :)
One of the nights, we found ourselves wandering to a local wet market. Apparently it was popular with the local Filipinos to purchase fresh seafood from markets, then bring it to the restaurants for it to be cooked. And that's exactly what we did!
Bryan haggled for them, and we ended up getting two lobsters, two crabs and a fish. All of them were giant-sized, and it left me wondering "How can four of us finish it?!" The lobsters were so huge, that its antennas have flesh in it -_-
The waiter suggested different ways to have our seafood cooked, and he thought since the lobsters were so huge, they'll take the heads and cook porridge with it. WOW!!! That was a brilliant idea! Can you imagine porridge with all that yummy, goooey Lobster roe? *salivates*
Every night at the beach house (after replying Whitesoot emails, and yes, I can still put food in my tummy after that huge meal) I enjoy a bottle of San Miguel while listening to songs played on Ching's portable speaker.
I remember thinking to myself "Life can't get any better than this..." :)
Next post - Cliff Diving in Boracay!