Am blogging about my Melbourne trip on the flight back to KL from my work trip! I wished I had more time to blog about my travels, but these days it’s been all about Whitesoot. If I’m not doing anything related to Whitesoot, I’ll be either eating or checking social media before sleeping!
My brother graduated as a doctor last December in Melbourne, so my family and two aunts flew over to attend his graduation ceremony. Yep, my brother is definitely better in academics than me :P

It was scorching hot when we first touched down! It was almost 40 deg during his graduation day, and some of us took shelter from the heat in Union House’s cafeteria. Not all of us could enter the ceremony hall as there were only 2 tickets available for my brother.
After the ceremony ended, we stepped out of Union House to greet my brother and felt a gush of cold wind! My aunt thought it was the air conditioning from the building beside -_-“ The temperature very quickly fell to 25 degrees. That night itself, we were shivering at 16 degrees. Melbourne, you’re so erratic!
But the next few days were a comfortable and pleasant 20-25 degrees during the day :) Thank goodness for the lovely weather because we rented an 8-seater MPV (so huge!) and took road trips. It was awesome! More of that on the next post ;)

Other than attending my brother’s graduation and day trips, I only had a day or two to enjoy Melbourne. One of the days, I decided to roam alone around the city, visit my favourite crepe cafe to take a bite and people-watch, and just let the nostalgic feeling take over me. After some time spent studying in Melbourne, I can’t help but fall in love with the city! This was the place that cultivated my love for fashion. Without spending time in it, I’m not too sure if Whitesoot exists today :)
While wandering around, I stumbled upon some really nice street art! Was especially surprised by the Joker and Virgin Mary :)
Oh! And I managed to meet up with my gorgeous friend, Mei Yi, too. She brought me to a rather hidden restaurant in the city for dinner ;)

Alright, I think that’s enough pictures for this time :) Hope to blog about the day trips soon!